3 Tips to Start Writing Your Book

Black man's hand holding a pen writing in a journal next to a glass of water.

So you’ve been trying to start your book for a while now.

You see others do it. And it seems like everyone makes it look so easy. It’s like Oprah saying, “you get a book! You get a book! You get a book!” all over social media.

But for some reason, success keeps eluding you. Every time you get close to sitting down and writing your book, something happens, and you end up back where you started.

Not this time! 

Because this time you’re going to be armed with the same tips, tricks and secrets that the  other writers know. So give these tips a try and see if they don’t work for you too…

Tip 1: Never compare your writing journey to someone else’s.

WARNING: It has been said that comparison is the thief of joy, but I’d go a step further to say that comparison is the thief of completion. Comparing your writing journey to someone else’s robs you of the uniqueness of your story unfolding. It also robs them of the credit for endurance on their journey. That’s not fair or beneficial to either of you. 

Tip 2: Avoid self editing as you go along.

One of the quickest routes to discouragement is fixating on the mistakes before the work is complete. Getting your story written is more important than having perfect grammar and punctuation. That’s what editors get paid to do - find and fix the mistakes.

Tip 3: Be sure to make specific time for your writing. 

Whether you’ve got five minutes or five hours per day, you should block out time for your writing. If you’re a “five-minuter” know that some of the best books have come out of a napkin note or brief journal entry.

Bonus Tip: If you don’t have enough time to sit down and write your book, hire a ghostwriter.

Hiring a ghostwriter is how busy leaders and celebrities often complete their books.

In sum: Writing your book can be easier when you apply the above four tips of tips. So let me leave you with one last tip…

Take action right now, even if you don’t feel ready. Start by jotting down three sentences that you feel would work well in your book. 

So get to it - you’re going to be glad you did!


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