Danielle Butler Danielle Butler

Exactly What Do You Do, as a Ghostwriter Danielle?

Many of the individual conversations I had started with some version of the same question: what exactly do you do again?  As a ghostwriter and storyteller, I spend countless hours helping clients answer this question for their audience. Yet for myself, cue squirrel frozen mid-street, gritted teeth and a little tremor. Why is it so hard to do this for myself? 

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writing, ghostwriting, collaborative writing Danielle Butler writing, ghostwriting, collaborative writing Danielle Butler

Unlocking the Power of Ghostwriters: 5 Reasons to Hire One for Your Next Book

We landed on a discussion as to whether or not ghostwriters are still as much in demand as they were three years ago. I’ve also been having a similar discussion with writing colleagues as we discuss the rise of AI. Are we ghostwriters still a relevant profession? I believe that words are the foundation of our very existence and therefore they’ll remain solid through all the ups and downs of other life changes.

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