Influence to Legacy: Why Writing a Book Matters

It has been said that writing a book was the new equivalent of a business card. In fact, many entrepreneurs and business leaders have taken to the notion in droves. Book writing seems to be catching on like wildfire. While it is the “it” thing to do, writing a book is much more than making a new connection. Writing a book is about influence and legacy. Storytelling and texts have been part of history for generations. New discoveries of texts are constantly happening as explorers and archeologists work. The truth is, text lasts. What was written and what will be written will be discovered and analyzed. Writing a book contributes to future understanding of present ideas. 

Writing a book will build credibility now. However, it is in what lies ahead where the purpose is found. People will know you based on what is written. Your ability to craft a story will influence the way that people view your existence and impact. Writing a book creates a foundation for your contributions to the world to live on well after you are gone.Writing a book will also connect you to people that you may not otherwise come into contact with.

When I started writing my children’s book series, The Adventures of Zoe & Zachary, it was for selfish reasons. I wanted my children to have something from me later in their lives. What I got in return was far more - it was an opportunity for them to see themselves through my eyes. Then there was the opportunity to connect with others around the globe about the themes in the books. Writing a book prepared the way for me to step into rooms and have conversations of influence and legacy. I’ve been on the writing journey helping others - influence. I’ve created something that will be here for my family once I’m gone -legacy.

Writing a book is significantly more than a networking opportunity. It is a foundation for establishing influence and securing a legacy. Writing a book matters because the written word is what will continue in some form or another.


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