Types of Books to Build Your Brand

The reasons for writing a book are seemingly endless. Perhaps among one of the most enticing is the ability of a book to help you build your brand. Nonfiction books are a solid way to do this. The three main types of nonfiction books to help build your brand are: content authority, how to and memoir.  Understanding these three types will help you determine which one is best to help you reach your branding goals.

Content Authority

Content authority books help you establish credibility in your field. As an author you will position yourself as an expert on an industry related topic. Content authority texts may cover a specific niche or span a broad range of knowledge. It is recommended that you write very detailed and specific about what you do know while avoiding the temptation to be a know it all sharing virtually nothing of value. Focus your content authority book on the subject matter that most closely aligns with your brand. Your content should be delivered in your voice and connect with your target audience. The goal of your content authority book is to become recognized as a quality, credible source that people in your industry will want to reference time and again.

How To

How To books are strong tools for building your brand. How many times have you popped on a browser and typed “how to _____?”  Now imagine how many other people are doing the same thing for your niche. Your how to book can become the go-to resource for individuals and organizations looking for specific instructions on your area of expertise. Write a how to book that solves a common industry problem.  Be specific in both your title and content. For example, if your industry focus is fashion, you may choose to write a book called How to Choose the Best Jeans for Your Body Type. Similarly, if you are in business and entrepreneurship, your title may be 7 Ways to Start Your Own Business Without Going Broke. The idea is that you, your book, and your brand become synonymous with expertise in that area. When people type “how to ___” in the tab, your book and recommendations should appear first.


Memoirs are historical accounts written from personal experiences. If you are building a brand that is people driven, or based on your specific experience in an area, a memoir may be an asset to your portfolio. Your audience will have the opportunity to see your personal involvement while also learning the lessons that helped get you to the place you are in now. Readers will also benefit from getting to know you better increasing your “Know, Like, & Trust” factor. Memoirs work well for celebrities and influencers who are building brands. Memoirs also support the efforts of those building brands around mentorship, community, and personal growth.

As you build your brand, know that writing a book is a solid way to put yourself forward. Separate yourself by sharing your expertise beyond a live broadcast or short post. Write a book that dives deep into what you know. If you are not sure if you should write a book, check out Top Reasons to Write a Book.


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